Friday, May 8, 2009

This Is Soo Going in to My Blog

Well lets start with my sh*tty results from my standardize test x(

chem-80 A
Bi -77 B+
Bm -70 B+
Bio -70 B+
Ag -86 B+
M3 -66 B
+M3 -53 B
Phys -66 B
Acc -58 C
Sej -40 D [wtff en??]

So I got 1A4B+3B1C1D[*ck]

Oke dah,lupekan results
lets start with the story

'This is soo going in to my blog'.Paan said this when we did this activity :P
We did something quite major and mayb we[me,paan,ikhwan,apis,aziz & aziz] can be kicked out of the school :0

Oke it happenned wednesday night.We knew thursday cuti[only for pahang],so we decided to do some major activities that night.Roundround maktab.We planned not to tell any one abt this.Unfortunately,someone did knew abt our soo called 'plan'.But no worries,we tricked them[tkpayah tahu mcmne].Aziz,Ikhwan and Paan were in the 1st group la[kne pecah pecah tdk kantoi naya],me azriz and apis in the 2nd group.1st group went downstairs 1st followed by my group.Then we went near the tangki no idea whr to go??Aziz said lets climb the bukit konkrit.It was higher then the tangki and if we fall,we'll be the 1st students to die in MRSM Bentong.

Ikhwan was like usual,panic jeh selalu.Aziz said dont worry then bace bismillah[kepale setan,hati alim]LOL.Then we climbed bukit konkrit carefully.After a few steps we reached the top.Fuhh!!nasibla amr tk gayat.It was very tall.We can almost see the whole school compound from thr.Then we sat down.My butt ached because alaa konkrit enn??After tht we lepak jap situ.Then Ikhwan started laa his imagination.'Cuba kau bayangkan wehh,kteorg kat ats neh tetbe zombie klua.Tetbe kte ade weapon sume perang ngn zombie'.Aduhh Ikhwan Ikhwan -.-
'Tkpun kte superhero aa,aku Wolverine.HAHA!'.Suke hati kau lah Ikhwan.HAHA.Then we saw a dog la kann?HAHA before tht we igtkan a cat then noo.Its a dog.It came towards our asrama.The dog took the sampah then bwk g mne tah??bodo pnye anjing.Haihh.3 kali dia wat bnde bodo tuh.Tah,biala hu cres??

After a few minutes later nak turun laa.We planned to climb donw the other side of the bukit.The path was very narrow!!Hafiz and Paan went 1st to check la konon.Then Ikhwan said he's not going.'Aku takbule dohh bnde neh'.Aziz persuaded him but he failed.Soo Aziz teman la Ikhwan turun using the path we climbed just now.Hafiz and Paan were already half way thr.So me and Azriz followed them.Uishh mmg tkleh bla dohh.FYI bukit konkrit neh depan the girls dorm.HUHU.Otw down,it was exactly infront of the girl's dorm.HAHA.Paan and Hafiz were like speeding up a little bit.Myb takut kantoi?

Not me and Azriz.We took full advantage that time!!HAHA.Tkde aa.Tp ade la TERnampak TERnampak.It was 2a.m lbeh,so they must be asleep tht time.Hmm bialaa.Then Hafiz and Paan almost reached down.Me and Azriz saw the dog was coming towards us.We warned Paan and Hafiz.The dog was heading towards them.Mmg kelam kabut aa kteorg.Paan and Hafiz da mcm HAHA lawak aa.Then Paan scared the dog away.Luckily the dog blah!!HAHA.Then we reached the ground.

We went to blok akademik[tmpt klas sume].In front of us me and Paan saw a white thing waving at us.Pfffttttt babi pnye ikhwan!!!buat cuak je.Da aa pki sweater putih pastu lambailambai -.- So the six of us bcantum balik.Then went to the highway,lepak jap.Then suddenly nak terpee la plak.I ajk Paan to teman.We went to the girls toilet la because it was closer.It was soooo quiet ohh.Fuhh then inside the toilet ade lg roti kering.HAHA.Oke ckup.
Then pgy balik jmpe jorg.We strolled arnd blok akademik jap.Then Paan said to me,"This is soo going in to my blog",HAHA.Then Aziz asked,whr to go?We dont knw.Then at the stair we heared someone yelled HOii!!Ape lg?kelam kabut aa.

The stairs were near the girls toilet which Paan and me pgy tdik.All of us ran inside the toilet.HAHA.Lawak lawak.After awhile,we went outside.Tkde pe pun?Tah wat dono jeh.Aziz said he wants to go to makmal komputer.Oke la.Then we went thr.Tak kunci!HEHEH.We entered the makmal.The makmal was airconditioned!!!Mmg layan aa.We slept thr for an hour!HAHA.From 3.30-4.30a.m.Then we returned to our asrama.As soon as we arrived at our beds.Dushhh terus tumbang.Sooo sleepy.HAHA.Then time subuh,tk bangun.Haih.

Soo hmmm if kantoi wat bnde neh mmg buang maktab aa.HAHA.Oke that day the school held a volley ball competition between class.So I participated.Me and Paan were in the same class.Our other team members were Naim,Afiq and Amirul.Tak ckup org???!!!We imported Hafiz la.HAHA.Hafiz was in class M.I was in class N.Then we battled!!!We won the 1st game.We went to the quarter finals.We won again.Then break time.Semi's will be held in the evening.Me Dann and Paan went to the cafe then g makmal comp lagi.HAHA tidur jap.Then balik asrama tidurr!!!

After asar was our match.Pfftt we lost.Sigh.Nvm laa,kire power aa msk semis.Hmm then tht night ade prep.After prep again we planned an activity.This time Paan did'nt follow because he slept early,pening.Instead,Dann,Aizat and Fungus followed.We only went to court takraw je.Lepak situ then borakborak japp.Then we returned to asrama tidurr!!!!!Again,tak turun surau subuh.Bangun pkul 7!!!Dah nak skula tak mandimandi!!HAHA!Then cptcpt aa mandi,smyg,siap blah!Nasibla tak kne denda.HAHA.

Hmm tulah.Haish.Oke the end?0.o

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