Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Ammar Yang Tua
Well i'm 16 years old now[tua,tp nmpk muda xP],My birthday is on 18th February 1993,I was born at 12.08 am[sje nak bgtau].Oke da lpskan??tkpe,stil sempat to give me presents :D This year my birthday is on wednesday.Fatin was the 1st to wish me,followed by Dona,Meera,Ameer and others laa..But amr cam sdeh,rmi x remember my birthday :'(
Then that day,I went to school blablabla la,bosan tahap ayam beranak ;( After school,I went back home,tido teros because I was #@$*! sleepy.Later that evening,I went to tuition Jai.Study like usual.Then blablabla,balik.I was like,poyo sket hoping when i arrived home,bole dpt presents!!!Ahh boohhooo amr.Amr opened the door,so mcm Mama,Mira and Haziq sang Happy Birthday.So i asked ma,'Ma..Present abg mne??'she said,'Ehh banyak cantik??da dpt guitar nk adiah pe lg??igt ma ngn ayh cap duit ke??',amr cam ouhh oke fine.
Then that night,amr yg mengade nieh,ngadu kat org,amr x dpt adiah pape ;( So that night jus the same as other nights,homework tv blablabla.The next day,I went to school.I had biology class.Then I got a present!!seronok :))[xnk bgtau ape,or spe bg].Then,blablabla blaja,then home.So #@$*! boringg.I wondered why la dis years bday sucks??Kate je sweet sixteen??well its like bitter sixteen je??HAHA.That evening,Jai again.I went back home.I had my dinner.Then I went upstairs.Today was my brother,Haziq's birthday.19 february.My mom told me too take Haziq's present at a closet.WTF???dia dpt pulak ape dia nakk???Wii oh ;(
Then,oh!terguris sial perasaan.Then sambut la bday Haziq.Ade cake!![which i dun hav].Then ayh asked me to take some things at his car.I go la en.It was a bag.Bag Nikon!!I wondered,when did ayh have a Nikon camera??Mls aa nk bkak en.Then I gave the bag to ayh.He said thats mine.Uihhh dpt jugak dslr,kwakwakwa!!It was D40!!Then amr asked ayh,'Yah,abg nk D60 ah!!',then ayh said,'Banyak la kau,ayh nk beli jugak,ape kau igt kau sorg je nak??',Amr was like,okayy finee.Wtvr it is,thnk you mom and dad.Well thats the story abt my 16th bday :)
It meant a lot to me.It shows dat I'm already old -.- and I can get my motor license!!NOT!!!I asked ayh,'Yah,bile abg nak amek lesen moto neh??,Ma suddenly interupt,'Ahhh tk bole',I said,'Ala apsl pulak??',then ma diam.Ayh said kau nk bla pun nk amek gak lesen??Amr ckp dlm hati ala keco aa x)
Well thats all aaa,now I already have a 3rd wife!!!
Then that day,I went to school blablabla la,bosan tahap ayam beranak ;( After school,I went back home,tido teros because I was #@$*! sleepy.Later that evening,I went to tuition Jai.Study like usual.Then blablabla,balik.I was like,poyo sket hoping when i arrived home,bole dpt presents!!!Ahh boohhooo amr.Amr opened the door,so mcm Mama,Mira and Haziq sang Happy Birthday.So i asked ma,'Ma..Present abg mne??'she said,'Ehh banyak cantik??da dpt guitar nk adiah pe lg??igt ma ngn ayh cap duit ke??',amr cam ouhh oke fine.
Then that night,amr yg mengade nieh,ngadu kat org,amr x dpt adiah pape ;( So that night jus the same as other nights,homework tv blablabla.The next day,I went to school.I had biology class.Then I got a present!!seronok :))[xnk bgtau ape,or spe bg].Then,blablabla blaja,then home.So #@$*! boringg.I wondered why la dis years bday sucks??Kate je sweet sixteen??well its like bitter sixteen je??HAHA.That evening,Jai again.I went back home.I had my dinner.Then I went upstairs.Today was my brother,Haziq's birthday.19 february.My mom told me too take Haziq's present at a closet.WTF???dia dpt pulak ape dia nakk???Wii oh ;(
Then,oh!terguris sial perasaan.Then sambut la bday Haziq.Ade cake!![which i dun hav].Then ayh asked me to take some things at his car.I go la en.It was a bag.Bag Nikon!!I wondered,when did ayh have a Nikon camera??Mls aa nk bkak en.Then I gave the bag to ayh.He said thats mine.Uihhh dpt jugak dslr,kwakwakwa!!It was D40!!Then amr asked ayh,'Yah,abg nk D60 ah!!',then ayh said,'Banyak la kau,ayh nk beli jugak,ape kau igt kau sorg je nak??',Amr was like,okayy finee.Wtvr it is,thnk you mom and dad.Well thats the story abt my 16th bday :)
It meant a lot to me.It shows dat I'm already old -.- and I can get my motor license!!NOT!!!I asked ayh,'Yah,bile abg nak amek lesen moto neh??,Ma suddenly interupt,'Ahhh tk bole',I said,'Ala apsl pulak??',then ma diam.Ayh said kau nk bla pun nk amek gak lesen??Amr ckp dlm hati ala keco aa x)
Well thats all aaa,now I already have a 3rd wife!!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Bini ke-2 saya
Huhu,amr da ade 2nd wife suda,
beautiful en?grrr...
we are married on 12 February 2009,
sory aa x jemput,
ayah ngn ma yg jodohkan kite,
amr tgh maen CS au,
tetbe ayah pngl frm downstairs,
amr cam,uih???ayh balik ke?[time tuh ayh ptt keje]
ayah tnye watpe?amr ckp tkde pape,bru lps makan[PENIPU BESAR]
ayah ckp ayah mau solat sebentar,
dia sruh amr amek barang kat kereta dia,
amr pgy
Pfffttttt!!!amr tgk uihhh,
2nd Wife amr rpenye
ayh ngn ma ade ckp nk jodohkan kteorg,
tp tktau bile??
ari tu rpenye :D
Amr 'try' la dia,
Uish!!bunyi dier mantap!!!
body lawa gile!!!!
Amr try dia,lmelme
klua laa
[spe pkir laen dia jahat]
Amr ckp la thnx kat ayah sbb jodohkan amr ngn dia yg lawa!!!
Amr cll ma pulak,ckp thnx
sbb ma yg crik kan dia neh
Oke tu je aa
Dia da pngl aa
kang mrajuk plak
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Last Sunday mcm gile best oh!oke 1st amr pgy rmah Mubyn,dia ade wat makanmakan cos he's leaving for boarding scul.Rmila kwn Mubyn mse tuh.Amr dtg ngn Izzat and Ameer.Sampai jeh,Rais tgh sangap karaoke.Epul pun pfffttt memekik sial,1st time dgr Epul nyanyi.Ble smpi,makan la and Amr maen guitar electric Byn,guitar dia mmg amr nk gile vavi!!!Nak je bwk lari,tp igt Tuhan :) Then mcm da nk dkt 6.30 Amr pun balik la rumah.Peluk aa Byn en,nty rindu :P Balik cam tlg pepare for BBQ mlm tuh.Pastu smyg maghrib ;) Izzat imam doh!Grrr.. :P
Then Amr,Izzat,Danial,Ameer,Haziq tlg Ayah bakar la BBQ.Ayah's turn to pray,so we took over the BBQ la.Then mcm api besa gilak!HAHA kelam kabut sume.Ayah power je wat sorg x besa api,kita 5 hangus[sory bg sespe yg makan].Then Ayah abes,api pon kurang da :D.Then Syazwan,Eric and Arain came.My dad tot Azrain is Eric[cina].HAHA.Then Arief came dgn baju mahal TOPMAN size L :P,Then Dona,Cipah and Liyana came.Amr host yg baik,jemput la jorg msk dgn mesra :P Then ma sruh jorg mam la en.Syazwan Ameer Arief and ayah smbg bakar BBQ.Then Meera came.A few minutes ltr,Hertina came followed by Tiqa.Then sume mam la.Dona's lamb x msk,amr hantar balik to bakar balik,papp Ayah kasi yg besa,haha then Dona mara sbb dier ckp panas and besa.Manja gile siott.That time thr were 3 cameras ohh.Sume mcm paparazzi.
After eating,blabla,Hanif came.Then dia makan la kot??Then mau main guitar plak siHanif neh.Amr sruh Syazwan amek guitar kat bilik Amr.Then mcm sume gather kat living room nk nyanyi la konon??Kite nyanyi pon ade artist[Ameer] oh ngn soprano[Meera] x)
Amr and Syazwan played the guitar,then yg laen mcm nyanyi bodobodo,lglg siHanif -.- yg mnx penyepak.Then we took a picture,all of us,with the help of my Dad.Mcm ohh seronoknye :P Pastu cam amek gamba sume la.Gamba Amr,Danial,Ameer and Izzat bnyk sbb kte nak blah da nty.So only dat day,I felt famous[siket],after dat sume cam glabah da amek gamba.Dona nak blaja guitar,dia kate Syazwan x lyn dia,Amr aja aa.Pastu ngade ckp sakit.Meera pon ktuk Dona neh,Izzat pon aja la kot..?Then tgk Arsenal vs Tottenham.Lopek je seri.
Then,Cipah and Hertina kne balik.So,salam then bye.Thnx for coming!!:) Pastu Liyana pulak balik,Byebyee!ThnkYou for coming!Then Arief,Thnx abg TOPMAN L.Then mcm lepaklepak la kjap en.Meera,Dona and Tiqa pun pulang.ThnkYou!Pls come again :P Tgal the boys je aa.Pastu Amr ajk aa Eric tgk ManUtd lwn mlm neh,dia kate oke!!!tp balik gak sblm start -.- Pape pun,terima kasih krn berkunjung!Syazwan and Azrain balik ngn Eric.So mcm about 11.15 kot,tgal Ameer,Danial,Izzat,Haziq and Hanif.Amr ajk la jorg tdo,except Hanif[bkn ape,cnfrm mak dia x kasi] jorg pun okay,tp Izzat xle,sbb he needs enough sleep to travel to Muar the next day.Then Izzat parents arrived.We took pictures before dia berambus.HAHA,but parents nk bual jap soo we went to a park near my hse.Mcm lepaklepak jap cte psl .......... HAHA TopSecret
Then kite balik la my hse.Then Haziq bodo nak mampus tahap kucing beranak klua arnab,g lompat ats satu keta smpi bunyi alarm.Ape lg,langkah seribu la kami :P smpi rmah parents tnye phl??kami senyum penuh makna :)) Then tgk Manutd lwn WestHam.After a few minutes ltr,Izzat had to go home.Kte peluk la Izzat.Amr nangis ke tak tuh laen cte :P then bye!Izzat ajk anta surat sbb xle nk call,HAHA gempak sial.Then smbg tgk Manutd,mng!!1-0!!Giggs score lawa siall,then kemas sket then tido.Bestnye lepak ngn besties!!Syg gile kamu semua.Thnkyou!!;)
Kpd spespe yg Amr x ajk,Sory aa,xle rmi aa..Rmah amr kecik je
pape pun thnx for those hu came!!
Then Amr,Izzat,Danial,Ameer,Haziq tlg Ayah bakar la BBQ.Ayah's turn to pray,so we took over the BBQ la.Then mcm api besa gilak!HAHA kelam kabut sume.Ayah power je wat sorg x besa api,kita 5 hangus[sory bg sespe yg makan].Then Ayah abes,api pon kurang da :D.Then Syazwan,Eric and Arain came.My dad tot Azrain is Eric[cina].HAHA.Then Arief came dgn baju mahal TOPMAN size L :P,Then Dona,Cipah and Liyana came.Amr host yg baik,jemput la jorg msk dgn mesra :P Then ma sruh jorg mam la en.Syazwan Ameer Arief and ayah smbg bakar BBQ.Then Meera came.A few minutes ltr,Hertina came followed by Tiqa.Then sume mam la.Dona's lamb x msk,amr hantar balik to bakar balik,papp Ayah kasi yg besa,haha then Dona mara sbb dier ckp panas and besa.Manja gile siott.That time thr were 3 cameras ohh.Sume mcm paparazzi.
After eating,blabla,Hanif came.Then dia makan la kot??Then mau main guitar plak siHanif neh.Amr sruh Syazwan amek guitar kat bilik Amr.Then mcm sume gather kat living room nk nyanyi la konon??Kite nyanyi pon ade artist[Ameer] oh ngn soprano[Meera] x)
Amr and Syazwan played the guitar,then yg laen mcm nyanyi bodobodo,lglg siHanif -.- yg mnx penyepak.Then we took a picture,all of us,with the help of my Dad.Mcm ohh seronoknye :P Pastu cam amek gamba sume la.Gamba Amr,Danial,Ameer and Izzat bnyk sbb kte nak blah da nty.So only dat day,I felt famous[siket],after dat sume cam glabah da amek gamba.Dona nak blaja guitar,dia kate Syazwan x lyn dia,Amr aja aa.Pastu ngade ckp sakit.Meera pon ktuk Dona neh,Izzat pon aja la kot..?Then tgk Arsenal vs Tottenham.Lopek je seri.
Then,Cipah and Hertina kne balik.So,salam then bye.Thnx for coming!!:) Pastu Liyana pulak balik,Byebyee!ThnkYou for coming!Then Arief,Thnx abg TOPMAN L.Then mcm lepaklepak la kjap en.Meera,Dona and Tiqa pun pulang.ThnkYou!Pls come again :P Tgal the boys je aa.Pastu Amr ajk aa Eric tgk ManUtd lwn mlm neh,dia kate oke!!!tp balik gak sblm start -.- Pape pun,terima kasih krn berkunjung!Syazwan and Azrain balik ngn Eric.So mcm about 11.15 kot,tgal Ameer,Danial,Izzat,Haziq and Hanif.Amr ajk la jorg tdo,except Hanif[bkn ape,cnfrm mak dia x kasi] jorg pun okay,tp Izzat xle,sbb he needs enough sleep to travel to Muar the next day.Then Izzat parents arrived.We took pictures before dia berambus.HAHA,but parents nk bual jap soo we went to a park near my hse.Mcm lepaklepak jap cte psl .......... HAHA TopSecret
Then kite balik la my hse.Then Haziq bodo nak mampus tahap kucing beranak klua arnab,g lompat ats satu keta smpi bunyi alarm.Ape lg,langkah seribu la kami :P smpi rmah parents tnye phl??kami senyum penuh makna :)) Then tgk Manutd lwn WestHam.After a few minutes ltr,Izzat had to go home.Kte peluk la Izzat.Amr nangis ke tak tuh laen cte :P then bye!Izzat ajk anta surat sbb xle nk call,HAHA gempak sial.Then smbg tgk Manutd,mng!!1-0!!Giggs score lawa siall,then kemas sket then tido.Bestnye lepak ngn besties!!Syg gile kamu semua.Thnkyou!!;)
Kpd spespe yg Amr x ajk,Sory aa,xle rmi aa..Rmah amr kecik je
pape pun thnx for those hu came!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Dumb,and His Dumb Friends
Well,cte neh act is on friday,tp tah,dat time tade mud nk post,so today ade mud,post la.Story neh start dat morning,Izzat ajk g shisha,AGAIN,then after that g jamming.So oke la.After friday prayers,saye doa[nty msk asrama,bg strong,bg kwn jgn lupe amr,and bg my friends yg ade problem,strong],then Izzat followed me home,we played CS for awhile,waiting for Danial to come,after he arrived we went to OD to shisha.My pakcik drove us to our scul[Melwati lg],Izzat wan to pick up his sijil berhenti sekolah??But,the worker thr said pe tah,dia ckp xde,Izzat angin aa en,then ngadu kat bapak dia :P,badan jeh sasa.Then the three of us walk to 7E to buy my topup and some water[7Up],then we went to OD.When we arrived,Nasrul,Tengku,Amir and Rahim were thr already,they already ordered their drinks,but shisha blom ag.Then I ordered la one bottle shisha flavoured grape,Nasrul said x ckop!!then I ordered one mre bottle flavoured apple.From siiting inside,me moved outside.Our shisha arrived.Amr isap semahu mahunya :P.Mmg sdap grape,but apple suxx.So amr isap grape only.After pumping some gas inside,my friend Haziq arrived.After some pumps again,it started to rain renyai-renyai.We moved again a little bit inside.Then Amir mcm suddenly poyo nk lwn Izzat.But,last last pucat jeh then muntah!!HAHA.Badan kecik asap cpt penuh la Mirr.
Then,because of Amir muntah,Tengku,Nasrul and Rahim took him home la.We shaked hands,I said gudluck to Nasrul as he was leaving scul to go boarding scul this tuesday.Then we continued Shishaing.Then Danial pulak mcm mabuk gile.He went to the toilet.Izzat,Haziq and me are stil Shishaing.Danial came back and rest 4 awhile,then amr plak mabuk semcm.I stopped la shisha kjap takut nty mabuk,kne la jorg agkt amr yg gemok neh if amr pengsan.Amr mabuk rse cm nk tdo pulak.Amr g aa toilet,g BERAK.HAHA.Best partnyeh,after berak,teros ilang mabuk!HAHA.Then amr smbg la shisha.Amr g jauhjauh jap,call Dona,asking if she is okay.Then amr g balik kat jorg,HAHAHA Danial muntah wehh!!!colour merah mcm tembikai siot!!!HAHA!!Then,after paying,I wanted to go jamming[sangap lme x g],I called hotsound,that day,they opened at 7 pm,to late,nty nk solat magrib,:P.Then i called ozone,they said they closed for today.Aduh wat an unlucky day.Then we walked to Yamaha,Izzat wanted to buy a string for his guitar.I met my former guitar teacher,Mr.Felix.He was shocked,dia ckp wooaa you've grown up ehh??so tall!!;D
Then i asked him,is thr any jamming studio near here?he answered,yes thr is one,behind restoran Sri Intan.We went up the stairs,pfffttt!tmpt mcm kucing beranak klua anjing ohh!The owners tgh jam,amr and Haziq ketuk la pintu,asked them whether we can jam or not,they said yea ofcoure.Then we jammed la.JamJamJam,Ameer and DA came,they were from tbunt.Then Ameer sing[Nubhan]la kan,Wow!:P.Then we went home.Haziq and Danial stayed back at my home,we played CS again.So thats the story of my dumb friends and dumb me.
Then,because of Amir muntah,Tengku,Nasrul and Rahim took him home la.We shaked hands,I said gudluck to Nasrul as he was leaving scul to go boarding scul this tuesday.Then we continued Shishaing.Then Danial pulak mcm mabuk gile.He went to the toilet.Izzat,Haziq and me are stil Shishaing.Danial came back and rest 4 awhile,then amr plak mabuk semcm.I stopped la shisha kjap takut nty mabuk,kne la jorg agkt amr yg gemok neh if amr pengsan.Amr mabuk rse cm nk tdo pulak.Amr g aa toilet,g BERAK.HAHA.Best partnyeh,after berak,teros ilang mabuk!HAHA.Then amr smbg la shisha.Amr g jauhjauh jap,call Dona,asking if she is okay.Then amr g balik kat jorg,HAHAHA Danial muntah wehh!!!colour merah mcm tembikai siot!!!HAHA!!Then,after paying,I wanted to go jamming[sangap lme x g],I called hotsound,that day,they opened at 7 pm,to late,nty nk solat magrib,:P.Then i called ozone,they said they closed for today.Aduh wat an unlucky day.Then we walked to Yamaha,Izzat wanted to buy a string for his guitar.I met my former guitar teacher,Mr.Felix.He was shocked,dia ckp wooaa you've grown up ehh??so tall!!;D
Then i asked him,is thr any jamming studio near here?he answered,yes thr is one,behind restoran Sri Intan.We went up the stairs,pfffttt!tmpt mcm kucing beranak klua anjing ohh!The owners tgh jam,amr and Haziq ketuk la pintu,asked them whether we can jam or not,they said yea ofcoure.Then we jammed la.JamJamJam,Ameer and DA came,they were from tbunt.Then Ameer sing[Nubhan]la kan,Wow!:P.Then we went home.Haziq and Danial stayed back at my home,we played CS again.So thats the story of my dumb friends and dumb me.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Remember Me by..


Danial Firdaus
I'm gonna miss you wehh,NOT!!
sme scul la plak ngn dia
aku jus nk pesan,kau jgn balik suda :P
jgn lupe bestfriends kau,and amal ofcourse
[Remember me by..]tgk katil sblh,bkn igt,nmpk aku x)
Mok,aku nk mnx maaf la klu wat slh,
kau study btolbtol wehh kat sne
Jgn nk igt awek je
jgn lupe aku wehh
jge diri kau tu wehh
[Remember me by..]nmpk awek igt aku
Kau plak jgn nk balik plak nty
kau da untung dpt msk wlupun jauh
stay je mer
kau jge diri toltol wehh
study btolbtol jgn nk igt 'awek' kau je
[Remember me by..]nmpk pantai igt aku
Lupekan pmr wehh pek,spm lg pntg
soo kau blaja btolbtol
buktikan kau power,mmg kau power pun
jgn igt ckgusuraya je :P
[Remember me by..]dtg kl igt aku
Ric,tkcre of urself wehh
don let melayu bully you :P
study well
[Remember me by..]nmpk melayu igt aku
Dona,tkcre of urself dona,b strong no matter wat happens
Jjur la en?others jgn kcik ati,
but i knoe,i will miss you the most la :)
You're my 1st girl bestfriend
xle lupe tuh
so study well
tkcre of urself
kau best!
[Remember me by..]tgk fon kau,nmpk sandwich igt aku,dgr org nyanyi igt aku
Meera!!I'm gonna miss you so much!
You helped me a lot,so thnx
study well ek meera
tkcre of tua and of course ur self
thnx 4 everythingg
meera best!
[Remember me by..]nmpk cjelita igt la,haha tkpsl
Iera,thnx a lot for helping me out
you tkcre of urself,jgn smpi lupe nk rest
study hard dear,
i'm gonna miss you so much
[Remember me by..]on ym,igt amr
Tina!!nty amr rndu tina laa..
study well ek
jgn nak syok sgt ngn cookie smpi lupe blaja :P
tina best!
sory if ade wat slh ke pape
[Remember me by..]tgk elephant kat cookie,igt amr
amr akn rindu cpa nty
sbb nty xde org ckp amr macho pki wristwatch :P
cpaa study well oke
all the best ngn bujey
cpaa best!
[Remember me by..]tgk wristwatch,igt amr
She is the one i bullied most(besides dona)
nty aku rndu kau doh,spe aku nk buli??:P
haha wtvr it is,study well wehh
[Remember me by..]Nmpk org buli,igt aku
Oii tiqa
kau da aa suke aku blah :D
haha pape pun aku rndu kau la nty
spe nk jd aku nye slowmo enn?
study well wehh and tkcre
[Remember me by..]ble rse malas je,igt aku
Sarah uiii
kau jge diri wehh
aku rndu kau nty
spe aku nk kcu ngn aiman nty?:P
study well wehh
[Remember me by..]nmpk aiman,igt aku
To all my friends yg i did'nt write their names
i'm sure 100% i will miss you guys aa lot too
so dun wory!
amr xkn lpekan you all!!
boringglerr,so decided to post x)
Well jus now,i went to scul then blablabla,boring nk mampos!sooo act story started after scul.Me,Danial,Izzat,Ameer went to cut our hair.Its not that long la,but we did it for our passport picture.We need it for our boarding scul soon.Then the 4 of us cut our hair la,pendek gle vavi -.- mcm nerd da jdik.Then we took our picture la kan,all of us mcm poyo blatih senyum,haha!We all wore bju skola and blaizer[tatau spell btol x],we looked quite handsome la sket :P,we all smiled like bitch!after waiting for a few minutes,our pictures were ready.HAHA mmg lawak gile aa en,but i think its quite oke kot?Then,ameer told us abt a new spot,SHISHA spot at melwati??!!Woa!!Well yup,thr is.I heard the place just opened for 1 week,yet thr are already lots of ppl thr,especially smktm students la.The place is called OUTDOOR CAFE.The place agak style la jugakk.Different frm other places.Well then me,Danial,Izzat,Ameer shisha la.RM10 je payment dia.Its quite cheap la.It's also gud la.I guess that'll be the new port for 'lepak' at melawati la now.Hmm but the 4 of us soon will go to boardingg la,so i guess,we just hangout thr during hols la.
Oke done x)
Thats all for now,but stil bored..
Well jus now,i went to scul then blablabla,boring nk mampos!sooo act story started after scul.Me,Danial,Izzat,Ameer went to cut our hair.Its not that long la,but we did it for our passport picture.We need it for our boarding scul soon.Then the 4 of us cut our hair la,pendek gle vavi -.- mcm nerd da jdik.Then we took our picture la kan,all of us mcm poyo blatih senyum,haha!We all wore bju skola and blaizer[tatau spell btol x],we looked quite handsome la sket :P,we all smiled like bitch!after waiting for a few minutes,our pictures were ready.HAHA mmg lawak gile aa en,but i think its quite oke kot?Then,ameer told us abt a new spot,SHISHA spot at melwati??!!Woa!!Well yup,thr is.I heard the place just opened for 1 week,yet thr are already lots of ppl thr,especially smktm students la.The place is called OUTDOOR CAFE.The place agak style la jugakk.Different frm other places.Well then me,Danial,Izzat,Ameer shisha la.RM10 je payment dia.Its quite cheap la.It's also gud la.I guess that'll be the new port for 'lepak' at melawati la now.Hmm but the 4 of us soon will go to boardingg la,so i guess,we just hangout thr during hols la.
Oke done x)
Thats all for now,but stil bored..
amr bru wat blog sial x))
amr wat sbb 30% kwn menggalakkan & 70% nk sendiri kot??
so amr stil noob sket(BNYK)
nk tlg silakan,xnk tlg silakan
smpi dsni shj coretan sy buat mse neh,
sekian,terime kasih
amr wat sbb 30% kwn menggalakkan & 70% nk sendiri kot??
so amr stil noob sket(BNYK)
nk tlg silakan,xnk tlg silakan
smpi dsni shj coretan sy buat mse neh,
sekian,terime kasih
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